Fill out the Minnesota Health Care Programs application here, and mail or bring it to your county human services office. Alternatively, you can contact your county human services office and a representative will help you complete the application.
Regular PDN
This is an assessment and interventions needed by a person who is considered stable but has episodes of instability that are not immediately life-threatening…
Complex PDN
Nursing provided to a person who is ventilator dependent and/or who requires an intensive level of care as stated in an order of the physician…
Consumer Info FAQ
Who Pays for My Home Health Care Services? Home Health Care may be paid by a variety of sources. Benefits vary greatly depending on the policy purchased or the eligibility of the client…
Health Care Directives
What Is an Advance Directive? Advance directives are legal documents that enable people to plan for and communicate their wishes about end-of-life care when they are unable to do so…
Living Will
Will My Advance Directive Be Honored? Health care professionals are required to request a copy of your health care directive…
Bill of Rights
Statement of Rights
A person who receives home health care services has these rights…